Join a Hornsby Gym to get Healthy and Happy!


If you are looking to be fit in Hornsby Gym going can definitely help you in that regard. Fitness is something that every single person on this planet should strive towards. Being fit does not mean that one has to be thin in case of girls or extremely jacked up in case of boys. Contrary to common belief fit and healthy looks different on everybody. A stereotypically “chubby” person may be healthier than an average skinny person. The usual proper determinants for fitness are if a person gets tired quickly or not, how healthy a person eats and if generally their physical performance is good or not. A skinny person who is not used to walking but is skinny genetically may have poorer health overall as compared to a slightly chubby person who runs, exercises and can do normal functions and a little more with complete ease or losing their breath.

Some of the best training techniques that one can use to get fit at home and fast is HIIT cardio. By fast it does not mean instant results like drastic weight loss click-bait videos and articles one sees on the internet, but fast as in results can be seen weekly. HIIT training is the abbreviation of High Intensity Interval Training. As its name suggests, in HIIT, you perform short bursts of activity in small intervals. The activity can be doing jumping jacks for 20 seconds and can be followed by a 10 seconds rest. HIIT is a type of training which does not require any equipment whatsoever so it can easily be done from the comfort of your home and can also be done at the gym. According to successful fitness trainers, HIIT cardio is the best way to burn fat, tone up and build endurance.

While HIIT maybe the best for getting in shape fast, but to amplify the benefits, coupling it up with muscle training will be ideal for your body, no matter what your fitness goal is. It common misconception that lifting weights bulks your body up which is why a lot of females do not opt for strength training. This notion is completely wrong as strength training is very important for every individual irrespective of their fitness goal as it helps them perform day to day functions with more ease. Apart from it benefiting our lifestyles, strength training coupled with HIIT boosts the metabolism exponentially; resulting in a lot of fat burned in short amounts of time. It increases resting metabolism up to 48 hours too where your body is basically burning fat without even doing anything. 

One can either do bodyweight workouts at home or join a gym. In the gym static bicycle can be used for spinning cardio and HIIT as well. So can the treadmill. Working out at the gym can be beneficial especially because one is in that surrounding which definitely adds to adrenaline and motivation to do better. Apart from that, one can easily switch between strength training and HIIT and if it is an especially well equipped gym, they might have pilates equipment too. Pilates as of recently has been gaining a lot of popularity because it helps a lot in maintaining a healthy and better lifestyle by making little tweaks to one’s body and posture. To know more about what fitness will work best for you, contact your local Hornsby gym.